Gryffin CLI

Gryffin also exposes a CLI interface that makes integrating the package into your workflow even more flexible. To run Gryffin from the command line simply run the command:

$ gryffin -f FILE -c JSON

There are two required argurments to run Gryffin from the command line. A filepath to an Excel or CSV file with all previous experiments must be provided and the usual Gryffin configuration file must be provided. Please refer to the Configuration section for the details of all configuration parameters.

Required arguments:

Excel/CSV file with all previous experiments.


Json configuration file with parameters and objectives.

The Gryffin CLI also exposes a number of optional argurments. For convenince, these arguments expose over-writable Gryffin configuration.

Optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Number of experiments to suggest. Default is 1. Note that Gryffin will alternate between exploration and exploitation.


Number of CPUs to use. Default is 1.


Algorithm to use to optimize the acquisition function. Choices are “adam” or “genetic”. Default is “adam”.


Whether to use dynamic Gryffin. Default is False.


Approach to unknown feasibility constraints. Choices are: “fwa” (feasibility-weighted acquisition), “fca” (feasibility-constrained acquisition), “fia” (feasibility-interpolated acquisition). Default is “fia”.


Whether to use boosting. Default is False.


Whether to use caching. Default is False.


Random seed used for initialization. Default is 42.